If anxiety is the attachment towards the future, and depression towards the past, what exists right where we are?
Aparigraha is the last of the five Yamas, and it teaches us about non-grasping & non-possessiveness. When we grasp so tightly onto anything, we cannot see it for anything else then we believe it to be. We can come from fear, in fearing what is on the other side of letting go. Aparigraha teaches us to release this tightness, from ourselves and others, towards our ideas, limitations, and all else, because what is on the other side is liberating and free.
Detaching from what cannot be changed, whether from the past, or in a future that has not been created yet, is the only way we can return to the moments of presence. This not only calls our power back from all the times we’ve allowed it to pour into past/future, but also brings so much peace into the mind and body.
By detaching from the past, we allow ourselves permission to grow and become better in the now. By detaching from the futures uncertainty’s, we can work towards creating a positive mindset to handle what comes our way. It is up to us to see what truly exists in the moment being experienced now. Bring yourself to this. Practicing detachment when either past or future comes up,
so more peace and ease can come into our days.
