Yoga To Bring The Journey Inwards

This is a website created to inspire curiosity, and genuine self-exploration. Bryanna works as a bridge between the spiritual and physical practices of Yoga to provide a safe, accessible, and inspiring space for you to learn and cultivate a relationship with your practice. Providing support to where you walk with Yoga on and off of your mat.
Bryanna uses practices and tools of meditation, different yoga asanas, pranayama, and philosophy to weave together a holistic approach in her teachings.

As a practitioner of Yoga over the past 5 years, with nearly 500 hours of accredited study, I have always come to this practice to sit, and come back home to myself.
This practice physically moved me through body image struggles into confidence. It has taught me to access my own inner clarity, to work through anxiety & challenging times, and explore the wonders within myself.
Each modality of practice from movement, controlled breathing, meditation, to chanting has supported and continues to support me everyday. I've seeked to learn from authentic teachers to stay in sincerity to the practice, which has brought me at the feet of incredible individuals, and to an embodied space where I can support others myself.
I continue to seek as a student, and hope to encourage the seeker within you to come home to Self; and the truth in your heart through this practice.

Reach out for information on any of my services, questions, or curiosities that I may be able to help you with personally.